The Pelvic Health Service Improvement Handbook
Do you…
➡️ Want help to reduce your patient cancelation numbers
➡️ Want to improve the efficiency of your patient journey
➡️ Want to know what bestselling pelvic health clinics use as benchmarks to achieve excellent patient adherence
The Pelvic Health Service Improvement Handbook is a comprehensive resource developed by Karina Coffey and Rebecca Liberatore the founders and directors of Pregnancy and Pelvic Physio Mentor. This document has evolved through years of research and refinement by two clinical experts while developing and building their own award-winning Pelvic Health Physio clinics.
This handbook provides you with:
- A comprehensive list of over 28 quick and easy ways to improve your patient cancelation rate specific to Pelvic Floor Physio
- Recommendations span across all areas of the business including Physios, Reception and Practice Management System
- The most important 'Key Performance Indicators (KPI)' explained
- Benchmarked KPIs specific to Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
It is ideal for pelvic floor physios who want to improve their patient outcomes by giving the patients the best opportunity to complete their treatment plan.
DOWNLOAD NOWSounds too good to be true?
It isn’t! Enter your details below to download your free Pelvic Health Service Improvement Handbook!